Sans Souci Nursery, LLC
Specializing In Irises

Other Irises of Interest

Although we specialize in bearded rebloomers, Japanese and Siberian irises, we grow a wide selection of Louisiana, spurias, and versicolors. We also grow a wide range of other species including pseudacorus cultivators, tectorum (Japanese roof iris) laevigatas, setosas and Siberian species (typifolia, sanguinea). In addition, we grow serveral inter-species cultivators (pseudacorus-ensata, Virginica-versicolor, Laevigata-versicolor, ensata-versicolor hybrids).

Cllick here for
Legend for Iris Terminology

Click on underscored names below to view pictures

Alpha Gnuz - This Kasperek IB hybrid is not a stable color & frequently breaks down as seen on this photograph where one fall's color pattern is split; yet it's absolutely gorgeous
Baby Blessed - SDB (Zurbrigg 1979) small white spot on falls; cream colored beard; excellent grower and reliable rebloom
Baby Snowflake - SDB (Peterson, Adelaide 1962) white self with white beard & hint of green at haft; good growth & reliable rebloom in Sept/October
Blitz SDB (Weiler, John 1988) yellow stds; dark velvety yellow falls;yellow beard 7 sweet fragrance; excellent grower & reliable rebloom in late Sept-November; 2 years it has bloomed in early December
Blue Chip Stock - Median
Wild Cat Pajamas - SDB (Niswonger 1995) floriferous; grows well does not rebloom

[Click the image above to enlarge to full size.]

Irises planted early in season - as seen in the enlarged photo above- will produce huge clumps compared to those planted later in the season.  Isn't this the time for you to order plants for early spring delivery?

Home Pages | About Bruce Hornstein | New Introductions
| Iris terminology explained |  

Japanese | Rebloomers | Fall 2007-Rebloomer List | Louisianas Crested Iris |
Siberians | Versatas | Spuria Iris | Others | Miscellaneous
Other Plants - not Irises tiny Sprekalia

Except as otherwise credited, all material on our website copyright © 2010>2015 Bonnie Dalzell.
The duplication, reproduction, and transferral of any of this material without written license is expressly prohibited.

Website and Photography by Bonnie Dalzell BATW Graphics

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